
Farmer’s Market


Local Food Sources

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Local Food Guide

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Eat Local

Want to improve your health?
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Want to help protect the planet?
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Want to support your local economy?
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Want an incredible Meal?
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You vote every time you shop, support local food and growers you believe in.


WHy Eat local…

Local food, it’s better for your health.  Local foods often retain more nutrients because local produce is allowed to ripen naturally, while food that travels long distances is often picked before it's ripe. 
In addition, locally grown produce is safer. When they are imported and out of season, fruits like tomatoes, bananas, and pears are often picked unripe. And then, they are artificially “ripened” with ethylene gas. Also, foods from local growers may contain less (and usually no) pesticides.
The Farm Collaborative uses no pesticides. 

Food is one of the leading drivers of climate change. Eating more local food reduces CO2 emissions by reducing food miles, well managed soil and select crops can actual support carbon sequestration. And local food helps preserve green space. 

Purchasing local food helps to support work to combate the growing food insecurity system in our country.

Supporting local food aids your local economy. And local farms offer more variety, the large industrial agricultural system uses a monocrop system. Smaller, organic farmers grow a variety of organic and heirloom produce, which you can not find at the supermarket.

Local food creates community and connection. In our increasingly online and isolated world, we still find ourselves gravitating to one another around food. Getting to know your local growers and shopping or volunteering at a local farm or farmer’s market, co-op, or community supported agriculture (CSA) counteracts the antisocial-trend, building meaningful human connections.